
091904610 - Routing Number for ANNANDALE STATE BANK

Detailed Information

Routing Number 091904610
Date of Revision 2014-02-03
Status Active
Office Type Main Office
Address 40 CHESTNUT ST W
State Minnesota
Zip 55302
Phone (320) 274-8216
Servicing FRB Number 091000080


How to check the Routing Number?

To validate the Routing Number safely, type the Routing Number in the specified checker box. Make sure that the Routing Number follows the proper format. The length is 9 digits without a dash and contains only numbers.

What is a Routing Number?

Routing Number, also referred to as ABA Routing Number or Routing Transit Number (RTN), is a nine-digit code issued by American Bankers Association (ABA) based on the location where your account was opened. It is printed on the left side at the bottom of your check.

For domestic money transfer, the Routing Number is used combined with the recipient's bank account number. But for international inward money transfer, you need to use Swift Code together with Routing Number and account number.

How to find a Routing Number on a check:


Routing Number Format

The Routing Number consists of nine digits, shown as: AAAABBBBC. The first four AAAA is the Federal Reserve Routing Symbol; the next four BBBB issued by American Bankers Association (ABA) identifies the institution; the last one C is the check digit.

Routing Number is formatted as follows:

  • AAAA
  • BBBB
  • C
  • First 4 characters
    AAAA - the Federal Reserve routing symbol
  • Next 4 characters
    BBBB - American Bankers Association (ABA) Institution identifier
  • Last 1 character
    C - the check digit